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Federal And State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program

The Small Business Administration's Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program can support small business entrepreneurs and start-ups. These organizations are funded to increase the number of SBIR/STTR proposals, including from women, socially/economically disadvantaged individuals, and small businesses in underrepresented areas—typically rural states. 

FAST awardees can support small business entrepreneurs and startups in the life sciences by providing:

  • Technical and business assistance: programs or services that improve proposal development and team creation; assistance that leads to the commercialization of technology developed through SBIR/STTR program funding; and relevant mentoring networks to provide business advice and counseling  
  • Financial support: grants or loans to applicants to pay for a portion or all of the cost of developing SBIR/STTR proposals (Phase 0), relevant conference attendance, and bridging gaps between phases

Click on the state/territory below to see how the FAST awardee can help you.

Current FAST Awardees

  • Arizona Commerce Authority
    • SBIR/STTR Training Program
    • Application assistance
    • Proposal preparation tips
    • Guidance from experts who have successfully obtained grants
    • Consultants
    • Grant writers

  • University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Arkansas SBTDC
    • Consulting and research
      • Individual consultations
      • Assistance with locating matching agency research topics
      • Hands-on guidance with searches of prior awards
      • Guidance drafting a project summary to initiate conversations with agency program managers
      • Assistance with federal registrations
      • SBIR/STTR proposal drafting assistance, proposal review, and budget preparation
      • Market research assistance
        • Demographics
        • Competitor identification
        • Industry benchmarks
        • GIS mapping
        • Introductions to potential company partners in the University system and among existing companies
    • Training and events
      • Lab2Launch Accelerator
      • Seminars
      • Proposal writing workshops
      • Agency-specific webinars
      • Special-topic innovation workshops
    • Resources

  • Colorado Small Business Development Center
    • Subject matter experts
      • Tech Venture Accelerator (TVX)
      • Tech Venture Accelerator for Women (TVXW)
      • Proposal assistance funding opportunity
      • Proposal review and guidance
      • Events and workshops

  • Delaware Small Business Development Center
    • Single point of contact for proposal submission applicants
    • Customized agency research and focused submission advice for applicants
    • Customized tailored writing assistance for applicants
    • Proposal development and advisory services to develop a comprehensive winning submission
    • Consulting package valued at $50,000 per applicant submission

  • Florida High Tech Corridor
    • In-person and virtual workshops
    • One-on-one assistance to meet business needs in key areas like topical award identification, budget preparation, proposal review, support letter, and research partnerships
    • Virtual training series

  • Innovation Gateway-University of Georgia
    • Through the UGA FAST program, Georgia-based businesses applying for SBIR/STTR grants will be granted a Phase 0 grant of up to $2,450 towards the upfront cost of employing a grant writing consultant to assist with their SBIR/STTR application to generate a more competitive proposal.

  • Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC)
    • The Hawaii Small Business Innovation Research Program (HSBIR) provides matching grants to help companies further the development of new products to solve critical issues. Applicants must have received federal SBIR grants or contracts to qualify for the state matching grant program. The HSBIR program provides up to 50% match for companies receiving SBIR awards. Companies may also apply for reimbursement for grant writing costs for their initial grant application.

  • Idaho State University
    • Daily one-to-one consulting
    • Monthly webinars
    • Monthly masterclass
    • Quarterly series
    • Quarterly training on presentation plans and marketing
    • Cohort circles

  • Indiana Economic Development Corporation
    • The Indiana Technical Assistance Program (INTAP) is an annual program that helps small Indiana businesses complete growth and improvement projects by providing up to $15,000 in services from a qualified professional and technical vendor. This helps businesses secure the necessary skill set, qualifications, or technical expertise needed to execute a project.

  • Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation
    • MicroAwards to facilitate the submission of SBIR/STTR applications
    • Accelerator and incubator programs to position applicants for SBIR/STTR success
    • Consulting and resources to navigate SBIR/STTR and early-stage business processes
    • Leading start-up/small business training, conferences, and networking events

  • Louisiana Business and Technology Center
    • Louisiana State University (LSU) Innovation oversees the LSU Innovation Park, a 200-acre park that fosters early-stage tech companies, and the Office of Innovation & Technology Commercialization. LSU Innovation is the host organization for the Louisiana Small Business Development Center and its many consulting services. LSU Innovation also helps Louisiana companies apply for federal Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer grants and connects firms to federal laboratories.

  • Maine Institute of Technology
    • Information about SBIR and STTR programs
    • Education for ecosystem partners and companies
    • Workshops
    • Applicant identification and development/coaching
    • Proposal development

  • Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO)
    • The SBIR/STTR Proposal Lab combines guidance from SBIR Tutorials, best-in-industry proposal training, business development, and technical mentorship, expert proposal reviews, and hands-on skills application throughout the program.

  • MNSBIR, Inc.
    • Information sessions
    • Confidential business and technical assistance
    • Coaching and mentoring

  • Innovate Mississippi
    • The MS-FAST program provides technical assistance and services that improve proposal development and team creation, mentoring, and the technology commercialization of SBIR/STTR innovations. Anyone interested in submitting an SBIR/STTR proposal is encouraged to gain a solid overview and understanding of these programs, requirements, submission processes, and types of projects they support.

  • Montana State University TechLink Center
    • Proposal assistance
    • Microgrants to offset out-of-pocket expenses related to preparing a strong proposal, including IP protection, accounting services, customer discovery visits, and more
    • Educational events

  • UNHInnovation
    • FOcused SBIR/STTR Teaching, Equity, and Results (FOSTER) Program
    • Virtual lunch and learn series
    • Workshops

  • Arrowhead Center at NMSU
    • Agency matching
    • Tools and resources that guide you through agency requirements and proposal management
    • Microgrants
    • Workshops

  • First Flight Venture Center
    • Seminars and workshops
    • Investor-focused panels
    • 2-day bootcamp to learn how to submit a competitive Phase I SBIR or STTR proposal
    • Propeller program cohort for women-owned companies

  • OK Catalyst
    • Tom Love Innovation Hub at the University of Oklahoma
      • Events and workshops
      • Fabrication Lab
      • Content Lab
      • Startup OU
    • OK Catalyst Programs
      • SBIR Funding Lab
      • Training and mentorship
        • Funding guidance
        • Partnering and collaboration assistance
        • Proposal writing assistance
        • Post-award assistance
        • Commercialization support

  • VertueLab
    • Information for innovators
    • Accelerator programs

  • Ben Franklin Technology Partners Corporation
    • Pre-proposal support
    • Client assistance
    • Pre-proposal technical review
    • MicroVoucher Program for Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal preparation
    • MicroGrant Program
    • Federal Marketing Assistance Awards
    • Other federal funding opportunity assistance (e.g., RFPs)
    • Resources and information

  • University of South Carolina
    • The Office of Economic Engagement provides in-depth support to startups through one-on-one assistance in preparing and submitting SBIR/STTR grant proposals, which expand funding opportunities in innovative research and development areas that bridge the gap between research and commercialization. From securing funding, developing training, and utilizing on-site university facilities, they are there to assist and support you from start to finish.

  • South Dakota Biotechnology Council
    • One-on-one counseling
    • Assistance with federal registrations
    • Help identify funding opportunities
    • Connects entrepreneurs with university researchers
    • Proposal editing
    • Monthly newsletters

  • Launch Tennessee
    • Commercialization support
      • Grant writing and technical assistance
      • Expert guidance and ecosystem navigation
      • Technology transfer support
    • LaunchTN's SBIR/STTR Matching Fund Program
    • LabShare opportunities
    • Free statewide mentoring programs

  • SWTXB SBDC Technology Commercialization Center
    • Technical assistance to innovative entrepreneurs and small technology firms
    • SBIR/STTR submission assistance
    • Proposal workshops
    • Training and entrepreneurial education
    • Proposal review and preparation resources
    • One-on-one consulting and business advising
    • Networking
    • Market research assistance

  • Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation
    • Low-cost training workshops
    • Discounts with proposal consultants (proposal preparation and review)
    • Discounts on proposal preparation software
    • Intro to third-party capital
    • Referral to law firms for free IP and patent consults
    • Referrals to outsourced cost accounting solutions
    • SBIR strategy consultations
    • Funding assistance for select  companies seeking their first Phase I or II award (to help pay for some of the services mentioned above)

  • Utah Innovation Center
    • Direct proposal assistance
    • Agency-specific training
    • Connections to Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) resources
    • Capital connections
    • Industry associations
    • University technology transfer

  • Life Science Washington Institute
    • Information about applying for SBIR/STTR funding
      • Strategies for targeting your proposal to address NIH requirements
      • How to approach each section of your proposal
      • Planning your commercialization strategy
      • Writing to meet the reviewers' expectations
      • Common problems and pitfalls and how to avoid them
    • Resources
      • Demystifying SBIR/STTR Funding Routes Virtual Grant Writing Bootcamp
      • Agency-specific presentations
      • Individual consultations

  • TechConnect West Virginia
    • Monthly SBIR/STTR workshops
    • One-on-one in-person or virtual meetings with expert coaches
    • Referrals for assistance with the registration process
    • Connections with potential partners across the state